Marketing Team

Jun 22, 20191 min

The key to winning and keeping customers

Today's organizations realize the importance of providing good customer service.  However, a recent survey by Sights Research found: the #1 key to attracting and keeping customers is providing the Best Customer Experience.

Check out this video to learn how important Customer Satisfaction is to your organization.

Most organizations haven’t made the necessary changes to address the many ways prospects and customers want to engage beyond phone, fax and email. Today's customers want to communicate by Text (SMS), Chat, Social Media, and  Video. Today’s Cloud Telephone Systems and Contacts Centers now include features to address the many ways customers want to communicate that will allow you to deliver an exceptional Customer Experience.

Simplify My Communications was formed to make it easier and more affordable for any business to acquire advanced communication tools. We are technology advisors that aren’t tied to a product, but to your specific requirements. We have extensive knowledge and experience working with a myriad of best of breed vendors. Our goal is to find and recommend the optimum solution based on your needs and budget.

Request a quote or give us call at 713.910.1401 to speak with a Technology Advisor today to explore the available solutions to ensure your business has the necessary tools to meet the changing needs of your customers.